So it is time to get writing and creative – so sharpen pencils, crack open the new ink, power up or awaken those devices and write!

The idea is that from now until the end of the month you set a side some time to write… each and everyday. Sometimes this isn’t so easy and that is where strategy comes in – write smart! Record voice memos on your phone, jot things down in pocket note books and take some sort of device/pad with you to do so – you’ll be amazed at what can happen during a coffee break at work, or whilst stuck at the train platform.

This doesn’t mean you have to write all ideas down as soon as they strike, some people like to mull ideas and let them merge and split and take shape in their mind before ever setting them down in words. If you are such a person, or even if you are not and you just didn’t get a chance during the day, then the bedtime recap could be the thing! Take the notepad/phone etc. to bed with you (warning insomniacs this might not be brilliant for your sleep patterns but is often a very creative time!).

Now on this first day make sure you have your writing supplies set and that you peruse the various writing exercises in the archive, more will be appearing during the month but it’s always nice to have a rummage through some of the old stuff!

Well what are you waiting for? Go get writing!