It is one week into our poetry writing drive and what have you done? Have you managed to get through all the exercises? Been inspired by our guest bloggers or have you been struggling? Not written a thing?

If you are in the first category then fantastic and keep going but if you are in the second then don’t despair! There is still plenty of time and perhaps you should look at where and when you actually get to write… maybe you need to make yourself a little nook or walk to the park and sit on a bench. Maybe you have a fine writing practice but it just isn’t working for you at the moment – something just isn’t working any more – if this is the case then try just changing what you are doing ie work from home? Go to a cafe… normally work in a cafe? then go for a long walk and sit outside to write! This shift in activity may just be what you need to get you writing again.

Just to get you going why not look at these faces in the mirror – what are they thinking? Why are there so many? Make notes on each face and then take them one at a time to write about. Alternatively just look at the image and start writing.

Faces in the mirror