Archive for the ‘Pep Talks’ Category:

One Week Down!

Written on February 8th, 2010 by adminno shouts

Well there is one week down and hopefully you have started amassing poems! What? “No”?

Well go back and do the exercises, even if you run them all as response writing exercises and forget the poem bit – you may find that when you look back at them something poetic will jump out!

Fresh people are joining the challenge of WoPoWriMo and poems are being put on WoPoWriMo Poems, we have participents in four continents and are covering a wide range of ages and styles.

Go get writing those poems!

And for those feeling they are producing too much and it’s all drivel – keep writing, some of it can be edited into shape. As for the rest…. well, you obviously need to get it out of your system.

Beware The Apathy Bunnies

Written on February 2nd, 2010 by adminno shouts

It is day two and you may well have written one, two, three or sixteen poems yesterday, but don’t stop there! Keep going or you risk an attack of the Apathy Bunnies who lurk in the literary undergrowth waiting to pounce the unwary writer. You will suddenly get to day 25 and realise you still only have those poems from the first day – so keep going!

And if you have not already written a single poem you may already have been struck by the apathy bunnies, in which case you must fend them off now! A large mug of coffee or beverage of choice, pen and paper and a bolted door are a good cure.

Now go and write!

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