The night sky has always held the human mind spell bound, the glittering array of stars peppering the inky sky has been a source of many rich myths and legends, entire religions have grown out of that vastness.

The moon itself has many personae and associated powers and without it in the sky our world would be very different.

The night sky has always beckoned us onwards whether through exploration of the mind’s own darkness within or to reach up to the very depths of space and build giant metal birds to do so!

But with all this beauty and all this history it is something the modern town dweller often misses. And even out of the towns with their majestic orange glow there is often little incentive to wander out into the crisp cold dark.

However – even on overcast nights the sky can be dramatic and beautiful as anyone who’s seen the moonbow will attest. So go find a patch of night sky and really look at it – look at the stars, look at the wisps of cloud, sip that hot chocolate as purple storm clouds pour freezing rain down on you. Remember these sensations, this experience and now go and write!